Is Youtube Vanced Apk a safe Application for use?
Yes, Youtube Vanced Apk is a safe application for use because there are no bugs or malware in Youtube Vanced Manager so it can never damage the cell phone of any user.
Does users have to pay money to use Youtube Vanced App on their Android Cell phone?
No, users of the Youtube Vanced App can use its all valuable and exciting features without paying any money.
Does Vanced Youtube Apk has a Background playback feature?
Yes, Vanced Youtube Apk has a function of Background playback and due to this feature users can use other applications and their favorite video will continue to play with a pop-up player.
Does Vanced Manager Apk has a feature of Auto-Repeat?
Yes, Vanced Manager Apk has a feature of Auto-Repeat and due to this feature users can easily play videos in loops
Does Youtube Vanced consists of Sponsor's Posts?
No, users of Youtube Vanced don’t face any kind of sponsorship because this app is totally free from all kinds of sponsorship posts